The Academic Council Institut Metròpoli is the consultative and advisory area of the Institute. Its main objective is to ensure quality, recognition and protection of research to be developed within the Institute.

Currently its members are:

  • Albert Arias Departament of Geography, UB
  • Ismael Blanco Department of Political Science and Public Law, UAB
  • Xavier Boneta Municipal management office, Barcelona City Council
  • Albert Cuchí Department of Architectural Technology I, UPC
  • Màrius Domínguez Department of Sociology and Organizational Analysis, UB
  • Lluís Flaquer Department of Sociology, UAB
  • Ricard Gomà Department of Political Science and Public Law, UAB. Director of Institut Metròpoli
  • Jordi Mas Coordinator of the Technical Area, Metropolitan Housing Consortium
  • Xavier Matilla Department of Urban and Regional Planning, UPC
  • Juan Carlos Migoya Maneger of Institut Metròpoli
  • Josep Maria Montaner Department of Historical Theory of Architecture, UPC
  • Sara Moreno Department of Sociology, UAB
  • Oriol Nel·lo Department of Geography, UAB
  • Anna Ortiz Department of Geography, UAB
  • Héctor Santcovsky Director of Department of Social and Economic Development, AMB
  • Sebastià Sarasa Department of Sociology, UPF
  • Joan Subirats Department of Policical Science and Public Law, UAB
  • Enric Tello Department of History and Economic Institutions, UB
  • Mariona Tomàs Department of Political Science, Constitutional Law ans Philosophy of Law
  • Joan Trullén Department of Applied Economics, UAB



The Barcelona Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies (Institut d’Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona) has its social headquarters in the Bellaterra campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).

Autonomous University of Barcelona(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Campus of Bellaterra
Plaça del Coneixement, edifici MRA, p. 2
08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)


tel.: 93 586 88 80

Opening hours for the public: 8-15h

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