The Governing Council is the superior governing body of the IERMB, and is made up of the president of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona; by the chancellor of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; by the representative appointed by Barcelona City Council; by the president of the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Barcelona; by the Chancellor of the University of Barcelona; by the rector of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia; by the vice-president or councilor of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona who has the representation of this entity, and by two members representing each of the syndicated entities with ordinary institutional contribution, in accordance with what is established article 1.2 of the statutes.

The positions that form part of the Governing Council can delegate their functions to another member of the same entity.

Each of the consortia institutions designates their members in accordance with the respective regulations.

Regarding the renewal of the members of the Governing Council, it must be done in accordance with the regularity of the institution they represent, those which have the provisions by which they have been named.

At present, its members are:

RAQUEL GIL EIROÁ President of the Institut Metròpoli Consortium
JAVIER LAFUENTE Rector of the Autonomous University of Barcelona
MARIA BUHIGAS SAN JOSÉ Barcelona City Council
Metropolitan Area of Barcelona
JORDI VALLS RIERA Barcelona Metropolitan Area
JANET SANZ CID Barcelona Metropolitan Area
ANTONI F. TULLA I PUJOL Autonomous University of Barcelona
XAVIER GABARRELL DURANY Autonomous University of Barcelona
SÒNIA FUERTES LEDESMA Barcelona City Council
BERTA BARBET PORTA Barcelona City Council
JOAN RAMON ROVIRA HOMS Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Barcelona
MARIA TERESA SAURAS YERA University of Barcelona
JORDI ROS BALLESTEROS Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)
Secretary of the Governing Council


Functions and frequency of meetings:

a) Establish the general guidelines for action and approve the global program of activities.
b) Approve the budget, its execution bases and the list of jobs.
c) Approve the annual accounts and financial report.
d) Admit new members.
e) Amend the statutes.
f) Dissolve and liquidate the Consortium.
g) Carry out acts of disposal and encumbrance of the Consortium’s assets.
h) Approve contracts and credits and loans whose amount exceeds 10% of the budget.
i) Appoint the holders of the Management and the Management.

The attributions indicated in letters a, b, c, d, e, f, h and i cannot be delegated.

The Governing Council must meet normally twice a year, once to approve the overall program of activities and another to approve the budget, the implementation bases and the list of jobs, as well as the annual accounts and the financial report of the previous year.

For more information, you can consult article 8 of the IERMB statutes.


Metròpoli Institute has its social headquarters in the Bellaterra campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).

Autonomous University of Barcelona(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Campus of Bellaterra
Plaça del Coneixement, edifici MRA, p. 2
08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)


tel.: 93 586 88 80

Opening hours for the public: 8-15h

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