The Governing Council appoints the director, by an absolute majority, on the joint proposal of the president of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, as head of the Presidency of the Consortium, and the rector of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and must have an academic profile.

The Governing Council appoints the manager, by an absolute majority, on the joint proposal of the president of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, as holder of the Presidency of the Consortium, and of the director.

Currently its members are:

Director of the Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies
Manager of the Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies




  1. a) Direct, organize, coordinate and supervise the services and academic and research activities of the IERMB.
  2. b) Prepare the plan of activities and approve the draft budget, the general account, the report and the inventory formulated by the manager, so that the Governing Council approves them.
  3. c) Supervise and manage the collection of economic resources to finance academic, research and work projects within the scope of competence of the IERMB.
  4. d) Supervise and manage the formalization of collaboration agreements with public and private entities for the achievement of the objectives of the IERMB.
  5. e) Perform the tasks and functions delegated to them by the governing bodies.


  1. a) Execute and enforce the agreements of the governing bodies and administer and manage the ordinary functioning of the IERMB.
  2. b) Direct, organize and supervise the administration, economic and management services of the IERMB.
  3. c) Manage and execute the budget and administer the assets.
  4. (d) Preparing draft budgets, general accounts, reports and inventories.
  5. e) Formalize and sign all types of contracts and public and private documents, as well as agreements, when their signature is not assumed by the president or the member of the Council to whom the powers of the Presidency have been delegated.
  6. f) Request, formalize and sign credits and loans with a public sector entity and outside it, provided that the amount of the same does not exceed 10% of the budget.
  7. g) Perform the tasks and functions delegated to it by the governing bodies.


Metròpoli Institute has its social headquarters in the Bellaterra campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).

Autonomous University of Barcelona(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Campus of Bellaterra
Plaça del Coneixement, edifici MRA, p. 2
08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)


tel.: 93 586 88 80

Opening hours for the public: 8-15h

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