Food environments, childhood and health: exposure in the school environment in Barcelona
Year of relationship: 2021
- Elena Domene (coord.)
- Marta Garcia
- Marina Borràs (estudiant del Màster Metròpoli IERMB-UAB 2019/20). Suport tècnic: Núria Ruíz
- Alícia Sánchez (Servei d’Estadística)
- Marta Andreu (Servei de Cartografia)
Institution: AMB
The research Food environments, childhood and health: exposure in the school environment in Barcelona, carried out by the Urban Sustainability area of the IERMB on behalf of the AMB, analyzes exposure to unhealthy foods and access to spaces of outdoor physical activity in 357 primary education centers in the city of Barcelona. The report puts these indicators in relation to the health variables of overweight and obesity in children (6-12 years) of the Basic Health Areas (ABS) of Barcelona and to the disposable family income per capita of the neighborhood .
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Food environments, childhood and health: exposure in the school environment in Barcelona
Domene, E. [Elena]; Garcia, M. [Marta]; Suport tècnic:, M B. [Marina Borràs]; Sánchez, A. [Alícia]; Andreu, M. [Marta]. (2021). Food environments, childhood and health: exposure in the school environment in Barcelona