Heat in a future: Index of vulnerability to climate change (IVAC)
Year of relationship: 2022
- Marta Garcia-Sierra
- Elena Domene. Suport tècnic: Núria Ruíz (Servei d’Estadística)
- Marta Andreu (Servei de Cartografia)
Institution: AMB
The research The heat in a future: Index of vulnerability to climate change (IVAC), carried out by the Urban Sustainability area of the IERMB on behalf of the AMB, identifies those territories and social groups most vulnerable to climate change in the metropolitan area . For the first time, the Index of Vulnerability to Climate Change (IVAC) has been created and mapped in the metropolitan area of Barcelona and hotspots of vulnerability have been identified in relation to a set of climate indicators projected to increase of the temperatures.
Heat in a future: Index of vulnerability to climate change (IVAC)
Garcia-Sierra, M. [Marta]; Suport tècnic:, E D. [Elena Domene.]; Andreu, M. [Marta]. (2022). Heat in a future: Index of vulnerability to climate change (IVAC)