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Support for the design of the public information process of the Metropolitan Urban Master Plan

Year of relationship: 2022


  • Marc Martí-Costa (dir.)
  • Roger Barres

Institution: Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona

This report is the result of the support provided by the IERMB Governance Area to the PDUM Office in the design of the participation process for the consultation and information phase following the initial approval. The aim of the project is to define a proposal for a public information process based on workshops held between the IERMB and the PDU Office team.

With this aim, the report identifies the principles that must guide the design of the process, its deployment and implementation. The main objectives of the participatory process of the consultation and information phase are presented and the instruments and actions of this are defined. It also defines a proposed calendar and the phases of the informative and consultative process once the PDU is initially approved by the Metropolitan Council.

Support for the design of the public information process of the Metropolitan Urban Master Plan

Martí-Costa, M. [Marc]; Barres, R. [Roger]. (2022). Support for the design of the public information process of the Metropolitan Urban Master Plan