Educational opportunities in Barcelona 2022
Year of relationship: 2023
- Andreu Termes
Institution: Ajuntament de Barcelona
This is the 4th edition of the biennial periodic report started in 2016 that the City Council entrusts to the Metropolis Institute. In this edition, the report on educational opportunities in Barcelona 2022 points out elements of greater educational equity in the city. One of the main ones is the reduction of school segregation, in the last 6 years. Specifically, there is a decrease in school segregation of 23% in i3, 15.9% in primary and 26.4% in first ESO.
Download full report Educational opportunities in Barcelona 2022
Download the infographics with the main data of each of the topics analysed:
- Education and upbringing in early childhood
- From i3 to 4th ESO
- Student distribution and school segregation
- Early school leaving and post-compulsory secondary education
- Education beyond school time and throughout life
- The impact of Covid-19: old and new inequalities
Termes, A. [Andreu]. (2023). Educational opportunities in Barcelona 2022