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Vocational Training in the municipalities of the Besòs Consortium

Year of relationship: 2023


  • Direcció: Marc Martí-Costa / Autor: Andreu Termes

Institution: Consorci Besòs

This report, commissioned by the Besòs Consortium, highlights the difficulties in providing and planning the offer of Vocational Training (FP) to the member municipalities of the Besòs Consortium. The analysis indicates that the current vocational training offer, scarce and unequally distributed in the territory, makes accessibility to these studies difficult for students with less mobility – who are in a situation of greater socioeconomic vulnerability.

The report has two parts. The first part is a diagnosis of the current state of FP in the municipalities of Badalona, Montcada i Reixac, Santa Coloma de Gramenet, and Sant Adrià del Besòs. In this part, it is highlighted that the FP offer in the municipalities of the Besòs Consortium is concentrated in Barcelona (which offers more than 80% of the places); that vocational training students have greater intermunicipal mobility than high school students; that there is an important dynamic of centralisation towards Barcelona (although Badalona is also a pole of attraction); that there is a significant deficit of vocational training places, especially in some training specialities; that socioeconomic vulnerability is especially concentrated on the eastern bank of the Besòs River; and that students in a better socioeconomic situation have a greater capacity for mobility.

The second part is a proposal for planning vocational training in the municipalities of the Besòs Consortium. Thanks to this methodology, it is recommended to expand seven FP specialities in these municipalities: Guide in the Natural Environment and Leisure Time, Health Emergencies, and Auxiliary Nursing Care (CFGM), and Automotive, Health Documentation and Administration, Oral Hygiene, and Clinical and Biomedical Laboratory (CFGS).

Planning FP from a perspective of territorial justice and educational equity is not easy. Educational governance that takes into account the different territorial nodes and the interdependencies and complementarities between the municipalities in these nodes is the way to do so.


Martí-Costa /, D M. [Direcció: Marc]. (2023). Vocational Training in the municipalities of the Besòs Consortium