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The continuous evaluation of the metropolitan neighbourhood program. Proposal of a monitoring system

Year of relationship: 2023


  • Marc Martí-Costa (Dir.)
  • Andreu Termes

Institution: AMB

On May 24, 2022, the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona opened a call for subsidising projects within the framework of a Comprehensive Neighbourhood Program for Income Improvement (PIBMR). The resolution of the call was on November 28, 2022, and involved the financing of 20 projects in 14 metropolitan municipalities.

This study describes the different types of evaluations (design or planning, implementation, and impact) and highlights the need to improve continuous evaluation in the current phase of the program.

Thus, in the first place, it goes deeper specifically with the indicators proposed by the municipalities to justify the intervention and to monitor and evaluate the projects. Based on quality criteria in relation to methodological robustness, sustainability, and informative capacity, its quality and relevance of the proposed indicators have been analysed. The conclusions point out that despite the existing diversity of actions, this does not justify the disparity of indicators used. It has also been found that many indicators are neither good nor adequate, without going into whether these indicators will actually be calculated and used by the municipal teams themselves. At the same time, it becomes clear that with the proposed indicators it is not possible to carry out a minimum joint monitoring of the program as such, beyond budget execution.

Given these findings, the study proposes a monitoring system for the PIBMR within a logic of continuous evaluation of the implementation. A system that is useful for making a systematic collection of actions by the Town Councils, but that also has an aggregative logic—in actions, projects, and programs—that gives an account of the evolution of municipal projects over time and as a whole of the metropolitan program.


Martí-Costa, M. [Marc]; Termes, A. [Andreu]. (2023). The continuous evaluation of the metropolitan neighbourhood program. Proposal of a monitoring system