Bases for a resilience strategy of the AMB
Year of relationship: 2023
- Marc Martí-Costa (dir.)
- Roger Barres
- Cecilia Conde
Institution: Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona
During 2022, the Metròpoli Institute was commissioned to carry out an international benchmarking study to better understand resilience experiences around the world. Based on this knowledge, in 2023 a proposal for the basis for a future metropolitan resilience strategy has been drawn up, taking into account the actions underway in different sectoral plans of the AMB.
Despite the fact that the AMB develops different actions and plans to improve metropolitan resilience, within the organisation there is neither knowledge nor a common vision, nor a shared application of urban resilience. The development of the resilience perspective is different and uneven across areas and policies.
In order to advance a shared vision and knowledge within the AMB, the report reviews the conceptual framework of resilience in order to clarify concepts and develop its applicability in public policies. Some noteworthy contributions are: a) Urban resilience goes beyond climate change mitigation and adaptation policies; b) the starting point of resilience policies is the detection and prioritisation of threats and the assessment of their risk in infrastructures, services, people, heritage assets, companies, institutions, and ecosystems; c) the objective of the policies is to develop a series of actions to improve resilience capacities in different areas: in the detection and assessment of risks; in mitigation, adaptation, and preparedness; in the response to emergencies; in the recovery and transformation of the system.
Thus, rather than proposing a new specific plan on resilience, the study recommends promoting the transversalization of resilience throughout the metropolitan institutional system and especially in the plans, programs, services, and infrastructures under the jurisdiction of the AMB. To move forward in this cross-cutting, it is pertinent to consider: a) a political agreement and commitment; b) the creation of an office/agency/department for its impetus; c) the creation of spaces for governance and participation; and d) the elaboration of a strategy document.
Ultimately, having a resilience strategy for the AMB will allow the integration of the efforts already made in resilience by the AMB, identify new strategies and areas of action, and develop the necessary tools.
Martí-Costa, M. [Marc]; Barres, R. [Roger]; Conde, C. [Cecilia]. (2023). Bases for a resilience strategy of the AMB