Metropolitan Butterfly Observatory. Data analysis for 2022
Year of relationship: 2022
- CREAF: Pau Guzmán
- Javier Gordillo
- Laura Fuentes
- Gerard Gaya
- Agustí Escobar
- Joan Pino
- IERMB: Jaime Vila
- Diego Saéz
- Tarik Serrano
- Anna Oliva
- Joan Marull
- UAB: Ignacio Farrero
- AMB: Guillem Dávila
- Andrea Vilar
- Aida Novau
- Nuria Machuca
- Isabel Martín
- Jordi Bordanove
Institution: AMB
This report gathers the information obtained during the fourth year of the mBMS Metropolitan Butterfly Monitor Scheme project (mBMS, 2022) for 26 parks and beaches in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) and a comparison with the results of the 2019-21 period for eight parks and beaches selected. In 2022, a total of 8,437 butterflies have been observed, corresponding to a total of 40 different species found in 458 samplings carried out by 43 volunteers who have participated.
Pau Guzmán, C. [CREAF:]; Gordillo, J. [Javier]; Fuentes, L. [Laura]; Gaya, G. [Gerard]; Escobar, A. [Agustí]; Pino, J. [Joan]; Jaime Vila, I. [IERMB:]; Saéz, D. [Diego]; Serrano, T. [Tarik]; Oliva, A. [Anna]; Marull, J. [Joan]; Ignacio Farrero, U. [UAB:]; Guillem Dávila, A. [AMB:]; Vilar, A. [Andrea]; Novau, A. [Aida]; Machuca, N. [Nuria]; Martín, I. [Isabel]; Bordanove, J. [Jordi]. (2022). Metropolitan Butterfly Observatory. Data analysis for 2022