The Nexus as a diagnostic and simulation tool for the metropolitan area of Barcelona. Scenarios of territorial planning, agroecological transition and climate change
Year of relationship: 2023
- Tarik Serrano Tovar
- Diego Saez Ujaque
- Jaume Vila Traver
- Laura Calvet Mir
- Elena Domene
Institution: AMB
This report presents the Nexe approach as an innovative methodological approach that aims to assess the relationship between food, fertilisers, water, energy, land uses, greenhouse gases, time, and money. For this task, six pilot case studies are used to show the results of future scenarios in the metropolitan area of Barcelona based on changes in land use proposed by different territorial planning, changes towards organic agriculture, and the effect of climate change.
Serrano Tovar, T. [Tarik]; Saez Ujaque, D. [Diego]; Vila Traver, J. [Jaume]; Calvet Mir, L. [Laura]; Domene, E. [Elena]. (2023). The Nexus as a diagnostic and simulation tool for the metropolitan area of Barcelona. Scenarios of territorial planning, agroecological transition and climate change