The deployment of the Guaranteed Citizenship Income in the metropolis of Barcelona: costs, coverage, and protective intensity
Year of relationship: 2019
- Sergio Porcel (dir.)
- Lara Navarro-Varas
- Irene Cruz
Institution: Ajuntament de Barcelona
The implementation of Guaranteed Citizenship Income (RGC) in 2017 has shown a more ambitious intention than its implementation has been. This study expands knowledge about the level of coverage, the costs of implementation, and the effects on poverty reduction and the inequality of the RGC in the metropolis of Barcelona. To do this, a statistical simulation is applied on the parameters of the total deployment of the provision using the Metropolitan Statistics on Living Conditions, 2017-2018 and the Survey of Social Services Users of the Barcelona City Council, carried out in 2016. The estimates prepared allow us to conclude the modest effect that the program has had in terms of poverty reduction in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. These results point to the need to increase the budget allocated to the GCC and greater adaptation to the composition of households and housing expenses to have a significant impact on poverty reduction.
Porcel, S. [Sergio]; Navarro-Varas, L. [Lara]; Cruz, I. [Irene]. (2019). The deployment of the Guaranteed Citizenship Income in the metropolis of Barcelona: costs, coverage, and protective intensity