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Diagnóstico y propuestas de intervención sobre el bienestar, desigualdades y necesidades socioeducativas de la población infantil y adolescente tras la COVID-19 (INFAPOST)

Funding entity: Ministeri de Ciència i Innovació a través de la convocatòria 2020 d’ajuts a projectes d’I+D+i (REF: PID2020-119011RB-I00).

coordinating entity: Universitat del País Basc/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea i Universitat de Huelva.

Participating entities:

  • Institut Infància i Adolescència de Barcelona
  • Universitat Pablo de Olivade (Sevilla)
  • Universitat de Cádiz
  • Fundació Pere Tarrés-Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona)

Duration of the project: 36 mesos (entre 2021-2024)

Main investigator: Naiara Berasategui (Universitat del País Basc/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) i Iván Rodríguez-Pascual (Universitat de Huelva).

Researchers at Institut Metròpoli: Mari Corominas Pérez

Amount funded: 51.304€


The children’s population not only suffered a particularly restrictive confinement, but also a strong invisibility in political discourse and the research agenda itself. This invisibility must be reversed and tools must be available that describe in detail their situation, expectations and needs, with an emphasis on the most vulnerable children. Through a public utility approach and with a mixed methodology that places girls and boys as key informants together with adults, this project aims to identify the priority areas of intervention to combat the impact of the multiple inequalities that the pandemic has introduced or accentuated in childhood and adolescence.

See the project's website