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An energy-landscape integrated analysis to evaluate agroecological scarcity

Título de la revista o publicación: 
Science of the Total Environment


Número de entrega: 


  • Maryam Yousefi (Institut Metròpoli)
  • Asef Darvishi (Institut Metròpoli)
  • Roc Padró (Institut Metròpoli)
  • Shahindokht Barghjelveh
  • Naghmeh Mobarghaee Dinan
  • Joan Marull (Institut Metròpoli)

[*] Autor a quien debe dirigirse la correspondencia.

Fecha de realización:


Agrarian landscapes theoretically provide ecosystem services that meet the demands of a wide range of socioecological processes. Consequently, any landscape agroecology approach must tackle the dynamic interaction of land-use distribution and associated social metabolism at different spatiotemporal scales. An agroecological scarcity case study explores how driven agricultural energy flows interact with landscape complexity in arid landscapes of 46 counties in the Qazvin Province (Iran). An Energy-Landscape Integrated Analysis (ELIA) was performed to correlate the energy reinvestment (E) and energy redistribution (I) present within the social metabolism network, with landscape complexity (Le) measured in terms of spatial patterns and related ecological processes. Aswell, a cluster analysis was run to establish agrarian landscape typologies based on the ELIA indicators.

The results of this study provide an explicit sketch of the four strategies that society in Qazvin Province has developed within the dry environments that sustain it. Our findings confirm the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between optimizing non-dissipative internal energy loops and landscape complexity,which can explain agroecosystemsustainability. This research enables us to define spatially informed agroecological transitions froma territorially explicit socioecological perspective andwill make a significant contribution to decisions on agricultural policies given different land-use strategies, especially under scenarios of ecological scarcity.


Lee el artículo An energy-landscape integrated analysis to evaluate agroecological scarcity

Yousefi, M. [Maryam]; Darvishi, A. [Asef]; Padró, R. [Roc]; Barghjelveh, S. [Shahindokht]; Mobarghaee Dinan, N. [Naghmeh]; Marull, J. [Joan]. (2020). An energy-landscape integrated analysis to evaluate agroecological scarcity. Science of the Total Environment, 739(139998), .https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139998