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Evolution of the convergence in the European regions: 2000–2019

Títol de la revista o publicació: 
The Annals of Regional Science


Número d'entrega: 


  • Alex Costa (Municipal Data Office, Barcelona City Council)
  • Vittorio Galletto (Institut Metròpoli) *
  • Jaume Garcia (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
  • Josep Luís Raymond (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
  • Daniel Sanchez-Serra (OECD)

[*] Autor a qui s'ha d'adreçar la correspondència.

Data de realizació:


This work contributes to the analysis of the sigma and beta convergence in European regions for the period 2000–2019. This analysis has been traditionally done using regional GDP per capita levels adjusted with national purchasing power parities (PPPs) and using the classical measures of beta and sigma convergence. The main contributions of this work are the use of regional PPPs to adjust regional GDP per capita figures and the definition of a new measure for the beta convergence. This new measure helps to overcome the paradox observed between sigma and beta convergence in the period 2008–2019.


Llegeix l'article Evolution of the convergence in the European regions: 2000–2019

Costa, A. [Alex]; Galletto, V. [Vittorio]; Garcia, J. [Jaume]; Raymond, J L. [Josep Luís]; Sanchez-Serra, D. [Daniel]. (2024). Evolution of the convergence in the European regions: 2000–2019. The Annals of Regional Science, 73(4), .