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Social metabolism, landscape change and land-use planning in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region


  • Joan Marull (Institut Metròpoli)
  • Joan Pino (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
  • Enric Tello (Universitat de Barcelona)
  • María José Cordobilla (Universitat de Barcelona)


Data de realizació:  2010

The present work explores the synergies between socio-metabolic energy use and landscape patterns, starting from the hypothesis that there is a complex and changing relationship between the efficiency in both the societal use of energy, and land-use, and the ecosystem functioning of the whole land matrix of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region (BMR).

Enllaç article acadèmic:

Marull, J., Pino, J., Tello, E., & Cordobilla, M.J. (2010). Social metabolism, landscape change and land-use planning in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region. Land Use Policy, 27(2), 497-510.