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Pathways of Innovation: The I-District Effect Revisited [Agglomeration and Firm Performance]


  • Rafael Boix
  • Vittorio Galletto
  • Fabio Sforzi

[*] Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Publication date:


This Chapter explais how the I-district effect establishes the existence of dynamic efficiency in Marshallian industrial districts in the form of a positive innovative differential comparing to the average of the economy.

Published in: Belussi, F., i Hervás-Oliver, J.L. (eds.)(2018). Agglomeration and Firm Performance. Berlin: Springer.

Boix, R. [Rafael]; Galletto, V. [Vittorio]; Sforzi, F. [Fabio]. (2018). Pathways of Innovation: The I-District Effect Revisited [Agglomeration and Firm Performance]. , .