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Water as an Element of Urban Design: Drawing Lessons from Four European Case Studies [Sustainable Water Use and Management, 2015]


  • Carlos Smaniotto Costa (Department of Urban Planning
  • Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias)
  • Conor Norton (School of Spatial Planning
  • Dublin Institute of Technology)
  • Elena Domene (Institut Metròpoli)
  • Joan Marull (Institut Metròpoli)
  • Jacqueline Hoyer (Sustainable Urban and Infrastructure Planning
  • HafenCity Universität Hamburg)
  • Outi Salminen (Department of Forest Sciences
  • University of Helsinki)

[*] Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Publication date:


  • Aquest capítol és un estudi comparatiu de quatre casos de WSUD (Water-sensitive Urban design) implementats fins ara (Dublín, Barcelona, Lisboa I Vihti-Finlàndia) i presenta noves consideracions per a futurs desenvolupaments.Publicat a: Leal Filho, Walter and Sümer, Vakur (eds.), (2015). Sustainable Water Use and Management: Examples of New Approaches and Perspective (pp. 17-43) Berlin: Springer.http://www.springer.com/environment/pollution+and+remediation/book/978-3-319-12393-6

Smaniotto Costa, C. [Carlos]; Norton, C. [Conor]; Domene, E. [Elena]; Marull, J. [Joan]; Hoyer, J. [Jacqueline]; Salminen, O. [Outi]. (2015). Water as an Element of Urban Design: Drawing Lessons from Four European Case Studies [Sustainable Water Use and Management, 2015]. , .