The 40th anniversary of the Institute. Knowing how to transform the metropolis. Barcelona Metropolitan Yearbook 2024
- Ricard Gomà
- Elisabet Queralt
- Dolors Miñarro
- Antoni Tulla
- Sergio Porcel
- Lara Navarro
- Marina Subirats
- Marta Murrià
- Carlos González
- Josep Maria Aragay
- Juli Sabaté
- Carles Donat
- Oriol Nel·lo
- Jorge Cátedra
- Núria Pérez
- Carme Miralles-Guasch
- Vittorio Galletto
- Joan Trullén
- Tarik Serrano-Tovar
- Jaime Vila-Traver
- Laura Calvet Mir
- Elena Domene
- Paolo Chevalier
- Gemma Solé Massó
- Cristina Sobrino Garcés
- Miquel Correa
- Mari Corominas
- Raúl Morcillo
- Fernanda Lozano
- Laura Porzio
- Albert Sales Campos
- Sandra Aguilera Moyano
- Marc Figuls Sierra
- Marc Martí-Costa
- Noel Sotelo
“The 40th anniversary of the Institute. Knowing to transform the metropolis” is the title of the publication that will be deployed along the following pages. It expresses, on the one hand, the commitment to consolidate a historical series of volumes that bring together the most relevant of the metropolitan knowledge generated, at all times, by the teams of the Metropolis Institute; always with a strategic and future will. It is, moreover, a very special text. In 1984 the Institute of Metropolitan Studies of Barcelona was established; in 2024 we celebrated the fortieth anniversary. It is a fertile confluence between project and history, where today a dynamic and long-sighted bet forged grows from the recognition of all the contributions that have made it possible, with stability, over four decades. They have been years of ‘knowing to transform’, of a solid research linked to a metropolis that has been facing profound change challenges. The Institute has always been characterized by the construction of transitable paths between research and action; between the academic, institutional and social fabrics committed to the transformation of the area and the metropolitan region of Barcelona.
This publication forms a new link in the itinerary of the relationship between the Institute and its metropolitan environment. It does so this year incorporating, in a first block, the looks and reflections of people who have made fundamental contributions at different times of this trajectory. Then, in a second block, the chapters that connect current research with the challenges of sustainability, cohesion, innovation and governance of the metropolis of 2024 are brought together.
Editorial: Institut d'Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona
Lloc d'edició: Bellaterra
: 2024
Pàgines: 266
ISBN: 978-84-92940-65-3
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Gomà, R. [Ricard]; Queralt, E. [Elisabet]; Miñarro, D. [Dolors]; Tulla, A. [Antoni]; Porcel, S. [Sergio]; Navarro, L. [Lara]; Subirats, M. [Marina]; Murrià, M. [Marta]; González, C. [Carlos]; Maria Aragay, J. [Josep]; Sabaté, J. [Juli]; Donat, C. [Carles]; Nel·lo, O. [Oriol]; Cátedra, J. [Jorge]; Pérez, N. [Núria]; Miralles-Guasch, C. [Carme]; Galletto, V. [Vittorio]; Trullén, J. [Joan]; Serrano-Tovar, T. [Tarik]; Vila-Traver, J. [Jaime]; Calvet Mir, L. [Laura]; Domene, E. [Elena]; Chevalier, P. [Paolo]; Solé Massó, G. [Gemma]; Sobrino Garcés, C. [Cristina]; Correa, M. [Miquel]; Corominas, M. [Mari]; Morcillo, R. [Raúl]; Lozano, F. [Fernanda]; Porzio, L. [Laura]; Sales Campos, A. [Albert]; Aguilera Moyano, S. [Sandra]; Figuls Sierra, M. [Marc]; Martí-Costa, M. [Marc]; Sotelo, N. [Noel]. (2024). The 40th anniversary of the Institute. Knowing how to transform the metropolis. Barcelona Metropolitan Yearbook 2024. Institut d'Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona, 266
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