Evaluation of a Communicative Nudge (via SMS) to Improve Take-Up in a Public Inclusion Service
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Revista Española de Ciencia Política
- Sebastià Riutort Isern (Institut Metròpoli)
- Pau Alarcon Pérez (Institut Metròpoli) *
- Frederic Romea Moya (Institut Metròpoli) *
- Ana Vicente Olmo (Institut Metròpoli) *
[*] Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
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This article analyzes the effects of a novel SMS wording (more personal, engaging, and motivational), conceived as a nudge, on the take-up of a recruitment process. The case study focuses on a socio-labor inclusion program jointly promoted by the Barcelona City Council and the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security, and Migration. An experimental RCT analysis was conducted with 446 individuals, complemented by a focus group with participants in the service. The results show that the type of SMS has a small but statistically significant effect on recruitment success (which, in turn, depends on multiple factors analyzed at both individual and household levels). The improvement, although limited (a 6.4% increase in take-up), stems from an almost negligible cost (modifying the wording of an SMS). When analyzing the effect of the type of SMS at each stage of the recruitment process separately, certain nuances related to the role of motivation in each phase are identified. Lastly, some possibilities are proposed to improve the design of nudges in recruitment processes, with applicability extendable to many interactions between public administration and citizens.
Read the article Evaluation of a Communicative Nudge (via SMS) to Improve Take-Up in a Public Inclusion Service
Riutort Isern, S. [Sebastià]; Alarcon Pérez, P. [Pau]; Romea Moya, F. [Frederic]; Vicente Olmo, A. [Ana]. (2024). Evaluation of a Communicative Nudge (via SMS) to Improve Take-Up in a Public Inclusion Service. Revista Española de Ciencia Política , 66, .https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.21308/recp.66.06