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Inclusive growth from an urban perspective: a challenge for the metropolis of the twenty-first century

Title of the magazine or publication: 
European Planning Studies

On line: 02 August 2018


  • Joan Trullén (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
  • Vittorio Galletto (Institut Metròpoli)

Publication date:


This paper addresses the study of inclusive growth from an urban perspective. It proposes to focus the relationship between urban economic growth and income distribution in cities in which manufacturing production and external demand play a central role. Opposed to the literature that considers economic growth leads to an increase in inequality in income distribution, we present some operative economic tools from Marshallian Industrial Districts theory and from urban economic theory with which to develop an economic strategy for inclusive urban growth, making possible to achieve simultaneously economic growth and improvements in income distribution. An interesting example of a metropolis with a dynamic of economic and employment growth compatible with a reduction in income inequality is provided by Barcelona. This metropolis disposes a Survey of living conditions and habits of the population since 1986 that allows an analysis in terms of inclusive urban growth.

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