Industrial Districts, Innovation and I-district Effect: Territory or Industrial Specialization?
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European Planning Studies
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- Rafael Boix (Universitat de València)
- Joan Trullén (Institut d'Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona)
[*] Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Publication date:
The objective of this research is to test whether the effect is explained by the conditions of the territory or by the industrial specialization and to provide additional evidence of the existence and causes of the highly intense innovation in industrial districts (I-district effect). The estimates for Spain of a fixed-effects model interacting territory and industry suggest that the high innovative performance of industrial districts is maintained across sectors, whereas the industrial specialization behaves differently depending on the type of the local production system in which it is placed. The I-district effect is related to the conditions of the territory more than to the industrial specialization. The territory is a key variable in explaining the processes of innovation and should be considered a basic dimension in the design of innovation and industrial policies.
Read the article Industrial Districts, Innovation and I-district Effect: Territory or Industrial Specialization?
Boix, R. [Rafael]; Trullén, J. [Joan]. (2010). Industrial Districts, Innovation and I-district Effect: Territory or Industrial Specialization?. European Planning Studies , 18(10), .