Integrating sense of place in planning and management of multifunctional river landscapes: experiences from five European case studies
Title of the magazine or publication:
Sustainability Science
Issue number:
- Laura Verbrugge (University of Twente)
- Matthias Buchecker (Swiss Federal Research Institute)
- Xavier Garcia Acosta (Institut Metròpoli)
- Sarah Gottwald (Leibniz University Hannover)
- Stefanie Müller (Swiss Federal Research Institute)
- Søren Præstholm (University of Copenhagen)
- Anton Stahl Olafsson (University of Copenhagen)
[*] Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Publication date:
Based on five European case studies, this study compares different methods and approaches for mapping sense of place in river landscapes and subsequently addresses the question of how these studies can inform participatory processes. The case studies are set in diverse geographical, institutional and policy contexts, including the planning and evaluation of river restoration projects in Switzerland, Denmark, Germany and Spain and the monitoring of the effects of newly constructed river dams in the Netherlands. This comparative study is a first step in understanding the breadth of analytical and spatial approaches that can be used to assess sense of place in river landscapes and their implications for resilient river landscape planning and management.
Read the article Integrating sense of place in planning and management of multifunctional river landscapes: experiences from five European case studies
Verbrugge, L. [Laura]; Buchecker, M. [Matthias]; Garcia Acosta, X. [Xavier]; Gottwald, S. [Sarah]; Müller, S. [Stefanie]; Præstholm, S. [Søren]; Olafsson, A S. [Anton Stahl]. (2019). Integrating sense of place in planning and management of multifunctional river landscapes: experiences from five European case studies. Sustainability Science, 14(3), .