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Landscape Agroecology. The Dysfunctionalities of Industrial Agriculture and the Loss of the Circular Bioeconomy in the Barcelona Region, 1956–2009


  • Claudio Cattaneo (Institut d'Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona)
  • Joan Marull (Institut Metròpoli)
  • Enric Tello (Universitat de Barcelona)


Publication date:  2018

The paper analyses how between 1956 and 2009 the agrarian metabolism of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region (BMR) has become less functional, losing circularity in biomass flows and in relationship to its landscape.

Academic article link: 

Cattaneo, C., Marull, J., & Tello, E. (2018). Landscape Agroecology. The Dysfunctionalities of Industrial Agriculture and the Loss of the Circular Bioeconomy in the Barcelona Region, 1956–2009. Sustainability, 10(12), 4722. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10124722