Las trayectorias de los barrios desfavorecidos. Relevancia de las condiciones de la vivienda e implicaciones para las políticas públicas
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OBETS. Revista de Ciencias Sociales
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Over the last few decades, special attention to disadvantaged urban areas has gained ground in European public policies with a dual objective: to reduce the disadvantages of living in vulnerable neighbourhoods and to combat the risks of chronic poverty associated with this phenomenon. However, recent research into urban vulnerability in the context of the Barcelona metropolis has revealed a clear pattern of territorial persistence of urban poverty despite the various urban and social interventions developed. This new research focuses precisely on the persistence of urban vulnerability with the aim of learning more about the factors that explain it and better understanding the limits of neighbourhood improvement policies to reverse these situations. The study includes a longitudinal analysis of two decades of the Barcelona metropolitan area in which the role played by the initial characteristics of the neighbourhoods’ residential stock in the perpetuation of high levels of urban vulnerability is analysed. The results show a dual nature of neighbourhoods, dynamic and static, the relevance of the initial conditions of the residential stock in the trajectories of some neighbourhoods with high urban vulnerability, and the inability of neighbourhood improvement policies to change the status of the most vulnerable neighbourhoods. From this perspective, distinguishing between improving living conditions and transforming the status of maximum vulnerability of neighbourhoods is essential to formulate and evaluate the objectives of neighbourhood improvement policies.
Read the article Las trayectorias de los barrios desfavorecidos. Relevancia de las condiciones de la vivienda e implicaciones para las políticas públicas
Antón Alonso, F. [Fernando]; Porcel López, S. [Sergio]. (2023). Las trayectorias de los barrios desfavorecidos. Relevancia de las condiciones de la vivienda e implicaciones para las políticas públicas. OBETS. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 18(2), .