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Spatial inequality and its relationship with local food environments: The case of Barcelona

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Applied Geography



  • Xavier Garcia Acosta (Institut Metròpoli)
  • Marta García-Sierra (Institut Metròpoli)
  • Elena Domene Gómez (Institut Metròpoli)

[*] Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

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The main objective of this study is to explore the characteristics of local food environments in the city of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain), and to analyse the existence of sociodemographic inequalities in the access to food stores with or without supply of organic products. Based on an official database of commercial premises and on additional information, 7983 food stores have been identified and classified, 471 (5.9%) of which supply organic food. Spearman’s Rho correlation and Local Indicator of Spatial Association (LISA) analyses are applied to investigate the global and local relationships between food access and two sociodemographic variables, namely Household Income Index and percentage of non-Spanish inhabitants. 


Read the article Spatial inequality and its relationship with local food environments: The case of Barcelona

Garcia Acosta, X. [Xavier]; García-Sierra, M. [Marta]; Domene Gómez, E. [Elena]. (2020). Spatial inequality and its relationship with local food environments: The case of Barcelona. Applied Geography, 115, .https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2019.102140