Sustainable transport challenges in a suburban university: The case of the Autonomous University of Barcelona
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Transport Policy
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This paper provides detailed accounts of the transport patterns at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), including its motivations, barriers and user preferences, and explores the main transport challenges faced by the UAB campus. This suburban university is an important transport activity generator in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region, which is committed to achieving sustainable transportation. Results have been obtained through a personal survey (n=5525) of members of the university community. These show that the main limitations for changing travel mode from private means to non-motorised or public modes of transport are: the lack of adequate infrastructure, the marginal role of walking and cycling as a means of transport, and the longer time involved using public transport.
Read the article Sustainable transport challenges in a suburban university: The case of the Autonomous University of Barcelona
Miralles-Guasch, C. [Carme]; Domene Gómez, E. [Elena]. (2010). Sustainable transport challenges in a suburban university: The case of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Transport Policy, 17(6), .