Analysis and updating of the demarcation and judicial system in Catalonia. Decongestion of the criminal courts in Barcelona and Tarragona.
Year of relationship: 2024
- Marta Murrià Sangenís (coord.)
- Àlex Giménez de la Prada (aut.)
- Cristina Sobrino Garcés (aut.)
- Iman El Kabiri Ouarqui (aut.)
Institution: Departament de Justícia i Qualitat Democràtica
The report “Analysis and update of the demarcation and judicial system in Catalonia. Decongestion of the criminal courts in Barcelona and Tarragona.” is the result of a query from the Department de Justícia i Qualitat Democràtica. We analyze the demarcation and judicial plant in the criminal field in Barcelona and Tarragona, offering new scenarios for informed decision-making based on criteria such as proximity and specialization, but with a special emphasis on decongesting the courts as a key point for the prevention of multiple reoffending.
Murrià Sangenís, M. [Marta]; de la, À G. [Àlex Giménez]; Sobrino Garcés, C. [Cristina]; Kabiri Ouarqui, I E. [Iman El]. (2024). Analysis and updating of the demarcation and judicial system in Catalonia. Decongestion of the criminal courts in Barcelona and Tarragona.