Analysis of the socioeconomic and territorial impact of the Rondas of Barcelona Low Emissions Zone
Year of relationship: 2022
- Autors/es: Joan Checa Rius
- David Andres Argomedo
- Núria Pérez Sans
- Àrea de Mobilitat; Laura Calvet Mir
- Elena Domene Gómez
- Àrea de Sostenibilitat Urbana Suport estadístic
- cartogràfic: Maria Pruna Bassa
- Adrián Vandellós Hita
- Marc Vila Recio
- Paolo Chevalier
- Francesc Coll Pujol
Institution: Ajuntament de Barcelona, AMB
The central objective of the work is the assessment of the socioeconomic impact of the Rondas of Barcelona Low Emission Zone (ZBE), studying in detail the relationship between economic inequality and mobility, specifically the impact of the ZBE on mobility on working days. depending on income and territory of residence. Likewise, the assessment of compensatory measures and progressive adaptation to the measure is also included.
Checa Rius, A J. [Autors/es: Joan]; Andres Argomedo, D. [David]; Pérez Sans, N. [Núria]; Mobilitat; Laura, À D. [Àrea de]; Domene Gómez, E. [Elena]; Sostenibilitat Urbana, À D. [Àrea de]; Pruna Bassa, C M. [cartogràfic: Maria]; Vandellós Hita, A. [Adrián]; Vila Recio, M. [Marc]; Chevalier, P. [Paolo]; Coll Pujol, F. [Francesc]. (2022). Analysis of the socioeconomic and territorial impact of the Rondas of Barcelona Low Emissions Zone