Boost to participative governance in the AMB
Year of relationship: 2022
- Marc Martí-Costa (dir.)
- Cecilia Conde
Institution: Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona
This report continues the line of research related to the improvement of metropolitan participation developed by the area of governance and public policies of the IERMB. Specifically, this document is the continuation of the reports “The institutionalization of citizen participation in metropolitan areas: Lessons learned for the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona” (2020) and “A participation policy for the AMB (2022)” ; and is nourished by the DEMOC project “Participation and Metropolis: Deepening metropolitan participation”, in which the IERMB has participated.
This document presents a proposal to advance the consolidation of participatory governance policy at the metropolitan scale of Barcelona; a policy enabled by the current legal framework, politically supported according to the government agreement and the PAM for the 2019-2023 mandate, and which has shown progress in the form of processes, bodies and other participatory mechanisms. At this point, therefore, a new impulse in the direction of advancing and deepening the participation policy of the AMB is considered relevant and necessary.
Report: Boost to participative governance in the AMB
Presentation of results: Participatory governance at the AMB
Martí-Costa, M. [Marc]; Conde, C. [Cecilia]. (2022). Boost to participative governance in the AMB