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Butterfly Metropolitan Observatory. Analysis of 2021 data. Study of diurnal butterflies

Year of relationship: 2021


  • IERMB: Raúl Velasco-Fernández
  • Raúl Morcillo
  • Anna Oliva
  • Joan Marull.
  • CREAF: Pau Guzmán
  • Gerard Gaya
  • Javier Gordillo
  • Joan Pino.
  • AMB: Nuria Machuca
  • Isabel Martín
  • Jordi Bordanove.

Institution: AMB

This report collects the information obtained during the third year of the mBMS (Metropolitan Butterfly Monitor Scheme) project (mBMS, 2021) for 21 parks and beaches in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona (AMB) and a comparison with the results of 2019 and 2020 for eight selected parks and beaches. During 2021, a total of 5,505 butterflies corresponding to a total of 47 taxa of 40 different species have been observed. In other words, 19.9% ​​of the diurnal butterfly species in Catalonia have been observed in metropolitan parks and beaches. This data represents an increase of 10 species compared to the 30 observed in 2019 and 2020, which must be related mainly to the increase in sampled areas

You can download the full study below:

Butterfly Metropolitan Observatory Study 2021


Raúl Velasco-Fernández, I. [IERMB:]; Morcillo, R. [Raúl]; Oliva, A. [Anna]; Marull., J. [Joan]; Pau Guzmán, C. [CREAF:]; Gaya, G. [Gerard]; Gordillo, J. [Javier]; Pino., J. [Joan]; Nuria Machuca, A. [AMB:]; Martín, I. [Isabel]; Bordanove., J. [Jordi]. (2021). Butterfly Metropolitan Observatory. Analysis of 2021 data. Study of diurnal butterflies