Childhood residential context, cost of housing and dynamics of expulsion in the city of barcelona
Year of relationship: 2023
- Laia Pineda (directora
- suport a l’anàlisi
- a la redacció)
- Elisa Stinus (coordinadora de l’Observatori 0-17 Barcelona)
- i Laia Curcoll (publicació
- comunicació).
Quantitative report that analyzes the residential context of childhood in Barcelona and also the cost of housing and the dynamics of expulsion in the city. This report is part of the research laboratory Residential insecurity and childhood in Barcelona and complements the qualitative report “Impacts of the housing crisis on the lives of children and adolescents”.
This report has been presented as part of the day “Childhood and housing in the city of Barcelona”, held on June 13, 2023. We also invite you to read the executive summary of this day and the reports of the research laboratory.
Residential insecurity impacts childhood and adolescence
Pineda, L. [Laia]; Stinus, E. [Elisa]; Laia Curcoll, I. [i]. (2023). Childhood residential context, cost of housing and dynamics of expulsion in the city of barcelona