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Cost-benefit analysis of two infrastructures of the Bicivia cycling network

Year of relationship: 2023


  • Universidad Poblo de Olavide
  • Universidad de Sevilla
  • Institut Metròpoli

Institution: Oficina Metropolitana de la Bicicleta de l’AMB

The study carries out a cost-benefit analysis of two sections of the Bicivia metropolitan pedal network, specifically the Barcelona-Esplugues connection and the Barcelona-Pígono de la Zona Franca connection. In this analysis, the direct costs of construction and maintenance are evaluated and compared with the overall impacts that infrastructure generates on the well-being of society. These studies allow us to evaluate the suitability of projects and public policies while quantifying whether future similar investments can be profitable.


de Olavide, U P. [Universidad Poblo]; de Sevilla, U. [Universidad]; Metròpoli, I. [Institut]. (2023). Cost-benefit analysis of two infrastructures of the Bicivia cycling network