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Diagnosis of the needs and challenges of electric mobility in the metropolis of Barcelona. Bases for the deployment of the electric vehicle charging infrastructure

Year of relationship: 2023


  • Joan Checa Rius
  • Núria Pérez Sans
  • David Andres Argomedo
  • Manel Pons Sanvidal

Institution: AMB

This study presents an exhaustive analysis of electric mobility in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB), with the aim of establishing the bases for the deployment of an adequate and efficient recharging infrastructure. Firstly, the policies and regulations in force at the European, state, and local levels that affect electric mobility are described, including legislation on recharging infrastructure and decarbonisation objectives. Secondly, the main actors involved, both public and private, as well as the models of management of recharging infrastructures are analyzed. Current data on the electric vehicular park in the AMB and usage patterns are also presented. Thirdly, the document details the technical, economic, and social barriers to the mass adoption of electric vehicles, as well as the opportunities offered by the energy transition, also taking into account the impact of electromobility on air quality and social inclusion. Finally, lines of action are proposed for the coming years, which include the need to strengthen collaboration between administrations and promote more inclusive policies that guarantee equitable access to electric mobility. This study highlights the importance of robust planning and governance for the successful transition to sustainable mobility in the metropolitan area.


Checa Rius, J. [Joan]; Pérez Sans, N. [Núria]; Andres Argomedo, D. [David]; Pons Sanvidal, M. [Manel]. (2023). Diagnosis of the needs and challenges of electric mobility in the metropolis of Barcelona. Bases for the deployment of the electric vehicle charging infrastructure