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Effects of telecommuting on mobility and its environmental benefits in the metropolitan area

Year of relationship: 2022


  • Elena Domene
  • Nuria Pérez Sans. Autors/res: Xavi Bach Coma
  • David Andrés Argomedo
  • Marta Garcia Sierra
  • Laura Calvet Mir
  • Núria Pérez
  • Elena Domene. Suport estadístic: Manel Pons Sanvidal

Institution: AMB

The covid-19 pandemic suddenly changed many of the day-to-day dynamics of our society, and in this sense, it facilitated a global trial of telework and demonstrated that many occupations could be developed through remote work. Teleworking brings with it a whole series of effects, both for employees and for companies and society. Changes in the organization and work responsibilities, in the use of time or the change in habits in commuting to work affect both the household economy and the environment and health (local air pollution and global). In this context, the study tries to answer two questions linked to the emergence of telework:

1. To analyze the current and short-term trends of telework in the province of Barcelona, the main changes in the dynamics of mobility caused by telework, as well as the social profiles that have most embraced it, all in relation to the rest of the active population that does not practice it.

2. Estimate the environmental benefits of people who adopt telework in terms of saving carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.


Domene, E. [Elena]; Sans. Autors/res:, N P. [Nuria Pérez]; Andrés Argomedo, D. [David]; Garcia Sierra, M. [Marta]; Calvet Mir, L. [Laura]; Pérez, N. [Núria]; Suport estadístic:, E D. [Elena Domene.]. (2022). Effects of telecommuting on mobility and its environmental benefits in the metropolitan area