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Electoral systems in European metropolitan areas. Learning for the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona

Year of relationship: 2020


  • Marc Martí-Costa (dir.)
  • Roger Barres

Institution: Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona

This report is one of the first approximations of the conditions and characteristics of metropolitan electoral systems. In this sense, the project aims to deepen the knowledge and classify the models of direct election and the electoral systems in metropolitan areas in Europe and establish the basis for the debate on direct election in the AMB.

To answer these objectives, the report makes a comparative analysis of the governing bodies of choice of metropolitan areas in Europe (London, Manchester, Stuttgart, Hannover, Paris, Marseille and Lyon) and creates a taxonomy of metropolitan models ( metropolitan mayor, localist metropolitan parliamentarism, consolidated metropolitan parliamentarism, metropolitan democratic government). Finally, the main considerations, limits and opportunities for direct election to the AMB are presented.

Electoral systems in European metropolitan areas. Learning for the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona

Martí-Costa, M. [Marc]; Barres, R. [Roger]. (2020). Electoral systems in European metropolitan areas. Learning for the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona