Global Entrepreneurship Monitor – Catalunya 2022-2023
Year of relationship: 2023
- Carlos Guallarte (director GEM Catalunya
- Departament d’Empresa
- UAB)
- Joan Lluís Capelleras (Departament d’Empresa
- UAB)
- Marc Fíguls (Institut Metròpoli)
- Enric Genescà (Departament d’Empresa
- UAB)
- Teresa Obis (Departament d’Empresa
- UAB)
Institution: Generalitat de Catalunya i Diputació de Barcelona
The intention of entrepreneurship of the Catalan population is growing. In the province of Barcelona, the percentage of people who expect to undertake in the next 3 years is 10.4% (2.4 percentage points higher than in 2021) and in Catalonia it stands at 9.9% (1.4 percentage points higher than in 2021). Despite the increase, these results are still far from the average in the European Union, which stands at 15.0%, and the global average, at 20.7%.
These are some of the main conclusions of the latest Global Entrepeneurship Monitor report (GEM) – Catalonia 2022-2023, promoted by the Department of Business and Labour of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Diputació de Barcelona, and jointly prepared by the Metropolis Institute and the Department of Business of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), under the direction of Carlos Guallarte. GEM is an international research project that emerged with the intention of analyzing entrepreneurial activity, as well as the factors that influence the creation of new companies, and during 2022 51 different countries participated in the study.
161 pag.
ISBN: 978-84-92940-58-5
28 pag.
ISBN: 978-84-92940-55-4
Guallarte, C. [Carlos]; Lluís Capelleras, J. [Joan]; Fíguls, M. [Marc]; Genescà, E. [Enric]; Obis, T. [Teresa]. (2023). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor – Catalunya 2022-2023