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Impact of tourism on municipal GDP

Year of relationship: 2023


  • Àlex Costa
  • Vittorio Galletto

Institution: AMB

This work presents an experimental methodology for the annual estimation of the GDP generated by tourist activity at the municipal level. The proposed methodology uses public information sources available with annual updates, such as employed persons located by economic activity, sectoral productivity, and salaries. The most innovative aspect of the methodology corresponds to the sectoral estimation generated by tourism. This is an approach that can be described as contrastive because it consists of comparing the sectoral internal employment of tourist municipalities with a set of non-tourist municipalities, which have all their employment dedicated to meeting the demand generated by residents. The results obtained allow us to know not only the weight of municipal tourism activity, both in GDP and in employees, but also its sectoral composition. The results obtained for 50 Catalan municipalities are consistent with previous estimates (Barcelona) and with the temporal evolution observed in the INE tourism satellite account (2018-2021).


Costa, À. [Àlex]; Galletto, V. [Vittorio]. (2023). Impact of tourism on municipal GDP