Year of relationship: 2022
- Núria Pérez
- Marta Murrià
- Gemma Solé
Institution: EIT Urban Mobility - Mobility for more liveable urban spaces
The European project Inclusify: Women empowerment for inclusive mobility wants to proactively involve women to share their challenges and concerns regarding Barcelona’s metropolitan transport service. During the year 2022, the mobility and urban security teams of the IERMB have participated in this European project that has been led by the AMB, has been co-financed by the EIT Urban Mobility, and has had the participation of AMB Information, WeSolve and Walk21 Foundation, apart from the IERMB.
Among the results of the project, the fact that, in general, women’s travel experience is positive stands out. However, there are some issues with potential for improvement. Bus stops are the environment that generates the least satisfaction and it is detected that the night lines and the passenger lines of these services require special attention.
- Report of Inclusify - Results of focus groups
- Report of Inclusify- Data compilation and evaluation report
Related links:
Access the website of the Inclusify: Women empowerment for inclusive mobility project
Pérez, N. [Núria]; Murrià, M. [Marta]; Solé, G. [Gemma]. (2022). Inclusify