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Indicators of innovation in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona December 2022. Statistics of patents, trademarks and industrial designs

Year of relationship: 2022


  • Vittorio Galletto (Direcció)
  • Sandra Aguilera
  • Marc Fíguls. Tècnic de suport informàtic: Daniel Martínez

Institution: AMB

The innovative intensity, measured in relation to the population in each territory, confirms the leadership of the metropolis of Barcelona. In this indicator, the city of Barcelona and the municipalities that make up the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona (AMB) lead the territorial areas with values ​​of 270 and 232 patents per million inhabitants, respectively, well above the values ​​for Catalonia and Spain , with 179 and 96 patents per million inhabitants, respectively. These are some of the main results of the study Indicators of innovation in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona prepared by Vittorio Galletto, Sandra Aguilera and Marc Fíguls which also analyzes the intensity of non-technological innovation, that is to say the records of designs and trade marks


The report Indicators of innovation in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona December 2022. Statistics of patents, trademarks and industrial designs

Galletto, V. [Vittorio]; Aguilera, S. [Sandra]; Tècnic de, M F. [Marc Fíguls.]. (2022). Indicators of innovation in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona December 2022. Statistics of patents, trademarks and industrial designs