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Innovation Indicators in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona 2024. Patent Statistics

Year of relationship: 2024


  • Sandra Aguilera
  • Vittorio Galletto (Dir)
  • Marc Figuls

Institution: AMB

This study focuses on the analysis of innovation indicators, with particular attention to patent statistics. Specifically, it presents the main results of technological innovation data (patent applications and utility models from Spain and european patents) for the municipality of Barcelona, the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB), and Catalonia. The analysis period spans from 2017 to 2023. The data sources used for patent registrations are the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM) and the European Patent Office (EPO).

The document is structured into five sections that address key aspects for understanding the scope and dynamics of innovation in the metropolitan territory. After the introduction, the second chapter presents quantitative indicators related to the total number of patents, their geographical distribution, their temporal evolution, and relative innovation intensity. The third chapter delves into the technological profile of innovation, identifying predominant sectors and technological fields.

Next, in the fourth chapter, another focus of analysis is presented: the gender perspective in innovation, aiming to explore the role of female inventors and their contribution to various sectors and technological fields. This analysis highlights the importance of promoting gender equality in the scientific and technological fields as part of innovation strategies.

Finally, the study concludes with a summary of the main results. This study is complemented by a methodological annex that details the sources and criteria used to prepare the presented data.

This analysis contributes to the understanding of innovation patterns in the AMB, providing a solid foundation for decision-making and the development of policies that enhance its leadership in the knowledge economy.


Aguilera, S. [Sandra]; Galletto, V. [Vittorio]; Figuls, M. [Marc]. (2024). Innovation Indicators in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona 2024. Patent Statistics