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Innovation indicators in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona 2023. Patent statistics

Year of relationship: 2023


  • Vittorio Galletto (Direcció)
  • Sandra Aguilera
  • Marc Fíguls. Tècnic de suport informàtic: Daniel Martínez

Institution: AMB

This document presents a synthesis of the main results of technological innovation data (applications for Spanish, European, and North American patents and utility models) in the municipality of Barcelona, the AMB as a whole, and Catalonia. The analysis period is from 2016 to 2022. The data source used by patent records is the Spanish Patent and Model Office (OEPM), the European Patent Office (EPO), and the North American Patent Office (USPTO).


Galletto, V. [Vittorio]; Aguilera, S. [Sandra]; Tècnic de, M F. [Marc Fíguls.]. (2023). Innovation indicators in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona 2023. Patent statistics