Metropolitan statistics on living conditions, 2022-2023. Synthetic results
Year of relationship: 2024
- Sergio Porcel (dir.)
- Jordi Garcia-Muniesa
- Iman El Kabiri
Institution: AMB
The income of metropolitan households has grown significantly in nominal (10.5%) and real (5.6%) terms. At the same time, there has been a reduction in income inequality and monetary poverty levels, which is lower than before the pandemic crisis (19.8%). However, economic growth has not prevented an increasing proportion of the population with fewer resources from having difficulty meeting basic needs, and, consequently, the levels of severe material and social deprivation have increased. On the other hand, the incidence of the overload of housing expenses has decreased but continues to reach very high levels among the population living in rent.
Porcel, S. [Sergio]; Garcia-Muniesa, J. [Jordi]; El Kabiri, I. [Iman]. (2024). Metropolitan statistics on living conditions, 2022-2023. Synthetic results