Mobility in the Metropolitan Urban Master Plan of the AMB Coordination with mobility planning instruments Coordination with the Metropolitan Urban Mobility Plan 2019-2024
Year of relationship: 2022
- Direcction: Maite Pérez Pérez
- Núria Pérez Sans. Authors: Aïda Alemany Sagalà
- Xavi Bach Coma
- Núria Pérez Sans.
Institution: AMB
Mobility and urban planning have many points of intersection. The report presents a collection of urban planning and mobility planning figures and their correlations, as well as future proposals and recommendations to ensure good coordination between the PDU and the PMMU.
Pérez Pérez, D M. [Direcction: Maite]; Sans. Authors:, N P. [Núria Pérez]; Bach Coma, X. [Xavi]; Pérez Sans., N. [Núria]. (2022). Mobility in the Metropolitan Urban Master Plan of the AMB Coordination with mobility planning instruments Coordination with the Metropolitan Urban Mobility Plan 2019-2024