Report on mobility and the socio-economic environment in the AMB 2023
Year of relationship: 2024
- Mobility Area of the Institut Metròpoli
Institution: AMB
This report collects, on the one hand, data on economic, social, labour market, etc., and, on the other, data on mobility in the metropolitan area of Barcelona (collective public transport, taxi, private vehicle, bicycle, freight transport, micromobility, parking, etc.). The temporary series of most information is from the last 15 years, between 2009 and 2023.
In 2020 and 2021, mobility was clearly affected by the effects of restrictions, limitations, and prohibitions established in different activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022, this effect was still noticeable, but this last year, 2023, has already returned to a normal situation.
of the, M A. [Mobility Area]. (2024). Report on mobility and the socio-economic environment in the AMB 2023