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Report on mobility and the socioeconomic environment in the AMB

Year of relationship: 2023


  • Àrea de mobilitat de l'Institut Metròpoli

Institution: AMB

This report collects data on the situation (economic, social, labour market, etc.) and data on mobility in the metropolitan area (collective public transport, taxi, private vehicle, bicycle, goods, etc.) in order to have reference data that allow a good management and planning of the metropolitan mobility and transport network. Most indicators include the values of a historical series of the last 15 years, from 2008 to 2022, which identifies the evolution of mobility and the most prominent trends.

In recent years, mobility has been clearly affected by the effects of restrictions, limitations, and prohibitions established in different activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These effects have been strongly visible in the different indicators and data in the last 2 years, and they are still, more timidly, in 2022. Exceptionally, the tables with indicators of demand in this report have collected values since 2019, which allows comparing the variation between the pre-pandemic period (2019), the beginning of the post-pandemic period (2021), and the current moment (2022).


mobilitat de, À D. [Àrea de]. (2023). Report on mobility and the socioeconomic environment in the AMB