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Support for the assessment of scenarios of the Urban Master Plan. Towards a socio-ecological transition of green infrastructure

Year of relationship: 2021


  • Roc Padró Caminal
  • Maria José la Rota Aguilera
  • Tarik Serrano Tovar.

Institution: AMB

This is an exhaustive report that explains all the methods and materials of the metabolic-territorial model that evaluates the contribution of the different socio-ecological dimensions of green infrastructure to the metropolitan system (metabolic surrender -energy, water, matter-, biodiversity conservation, landscape functioning, climate change, ecosystem services -support, regulation, provisioning- and social cohesion) and allows us to analyse the interaction between these previous dimensions by planning The results obtained in the 8 scenarios proposed by the 10 indicators selected in tables, maps, and graphs format are also presented.


Padró Caminal, R. [Roc]; la Rota, M J. [Maria José]; Serrano Tovar., T. [Tarik]. (2021). Support for the assessment of scenarios of the Urban Master Plan. Towards a socio-ecological transition of green infrastructure