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Technical support and advisory in the preliminary stages at the beginning of the AMB Resilience Strategy development process.

Year of relationship: 2024


  • Marc Martí-Costa (dir.)
  • Cecilia Conde
  • Researchers of Institut Metròpoli

Institution: Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona

The Metropolitan Action Plan (PAM) 2024-2027 sets as its objective the establishment of the foundations for the future Resilience Strategy of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB). In recent mandates, the AMB has conducted various studies and approved major plans and strategies within its areas of competence (PDUM, Climate Plan, PECIA, PMMU, PREMET…), all of which are key to advancing the resilience of the metropolitan territory.

In this context, the Institut Metròpoli has played an active role in defining this strategy, providing technical support in recent years. In 2022, the Institute was commissioned to conduct an international benchmarking study to gain a better understanding of resilience experiences worldwide. In 2023, the foundations for a metropolitan resilience strategy were established, taking into account ongoing actions within various sectoral plans of the AMB. In 2024, the role of Institut Metròpoli has been to provide support and technical advice in the preliminary stages leading up to the development of the AMB Resilience Strategy. Specifically, it has offered technical support to the AMB’s promoter group, which was designated to design the participatory process for the strategy’s development, and has provided guidance in implementing the work lines outlined in previous documents.

This report compiles the activities carried out in 2024 and summarizes the results achieved in this initial phase. Additionally, it includes a proposed roadmap (phases, governance spaces, and timeline) to guide the Resilience Strategy development process during 2025 and 2026.


Martí-Costa, M. [Marc]; Conde, C. [Cecilia]; Institut Metròpoli. (2024). Technical support and advisory in the preliminary stages at the beginning of the AMB Resilience Strategy development process.