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The Attraction of the Countryside and the City: Perceptions and Preferences of Catalan Youth Regarding Their Residential Environment

Year of relationship: 2024


  • Oriol Nel·lo (Geografia UAB)
  • Joan Checa Rius
  • Manel Pons Sanvidal (Statistical Support)

Institution: Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Drets Socials i Inclusió, Direcció General de Joventut

This publication uses data from the Youth Survey of Catalonia to quantify the propensity of young people to change their residential environment (from rural to urban and vice versa) and analyzes the reasons and characteristics of those who wish to make this change and those who do not.

The report consists of a section on the context and theoretical framework, another on methodology, four sections explaining the results, and a final section with conclusions.

Related links:

Nel·lo, O. [Oriol]; Checa Rius, J. [Joan]; Pons Sanvidal, M. [Manel]. (2024). The Attraction of the Countryside and the City: Perceptions and Preferences of Catalan Youth Regarding Their Residential Environment